I went down to the marina today with my dad and Zac. It felt good to be up early and to be by the water all day. It's been hard at times for me to be home. I need some sort of goal. While things like writing a book and speaking here and there are great it's so different from what I have been doing for so long. I'm sure I'll come up with some new project. I have been taking a look at some of the classes that I need to graduate and believe it or not I've even been thinking a bit about college. It pretty exciting to think about, but a little daunting as well. High school and college are a far cry from sailing.

Zac took his boat up to Channel Islands Harbor today. http://www.ci-boatshow.com/ There is a boat show there this weekend and it happens to be right around the one year anniversary of Zac's trip. It is called the Ventura County Boat Show. So, we're all pretty excited about that.
The collaborator for my book is here to meet the family and me and to discuss some things about the book so we can get started soon. They are planning to have us finish the book quickly. I may even be able to get it done before school starts which will be nice because I am going to have to take a few extra classes to catch up.
My friend and team member, Bill Bennett, flew my little brother, Toby, and I up to Monterey a few days ago. A lot of people say that flying is like sailing. I don't really see much of a similarity. I did get some good pictures and have a fun time.
We had lunch, checked out the Monterey Bay Aquarium before heading home. It was a nice flight, but of course my camera memory card was full right as the sun started to go down. All in all it was a very fun day.

Glad to see you are keeping busy!
ReplyDeleteDid you see the preview for the movie with Zac Efron.. The sailing movie? What do you think about that? Do you think it would be sad for you to watch it. When do you think you will attempt to sail around the world again?
ReplyDeletesounds like loads of fun!! i can't wait to read your book!
You look happy smiling and natural there behind the yoke of the plane. Its cool that you have gotton out and are enjoying things. It has to almost feel a little like a bereavement to lose something as special as Wild Eyes, and the dream. But God has a plan and you are smack in the middle of it!. Have you decided on a title? I awoke the other morning realising that Jessica's mast was broken by the freighter before she left and yours midway. I thought how ironic..considering Tania Aebi in 'Maiden Voyage' told how her mast too snapped..in her case she was in the Mediteraanean and put out the emergency transmitter and thought better of it retrieved it and started bailing Varunas 26 feet..She said she kept hearing her Dad say.."tania You never finish anything'. And she didn't want to hear that about the trip around the world. She managed to get to Gibralter (I think) and called her Dad requested a new Mast and sail and she got solar panels so she was thrilled. No GPS back then..so Celestial Navigation was it. See..we do read the books you write. Its one of my favorite stories and I tried to get a copy of Maiden Voyage to Ron Howard thinking if he read it he would want to make a movie of it..it kept coming back..:O(.
ReplyDeleteAbby You have Inspired so many and after your book is out many more will marvel at your courage, your bravery and your faith. Be your cheerful self..and God will continue to honor your voice.
So keep your chin up. Yeah..everyone knows you will shed tears for what might have been but you did exactly what you should have done in that situation. You were two thousand miles from help..and there was no means of getting to a port, unlike Tania and Jessica, both were within reach of land. Your arms weren't that long! Thankfully though you are safe and able to plan another voyage-which I believe you can and will- you have that determined look in your eyes and your voice..or as as Bugs' Bunny used to say.. "..They don't know me very well do they?"
Be Blessed Miss Abby..Still Praying for you..you enter my thoughts at the oddest times..like one of my grandaughters and I were talking about you. and she was saying. how she couldn't imagine being all by yourself thousands of miles away from anyone else..and I tried to explain that you miss that very scene.
Gary & Jan
(Oh yeah..yesterday..or was it the day before? I said in my blog to you I didn't know if Jessica got the Bible I sent her before her voyage. Well today I learned that she did get it, in a 'thanks a million' card. She said she did get it from the marina in Maaloolaaba.
For her 17th Birthday and the completion of the voyage I sent her, the map I plotted her voyage on, and a Crystal Coffee Cup etched with a globe and in the card she said both the Bible and the cup are very special to her.)
hi Abby,
ReplyDeleteLooks like your next goal might be flying around the world???
I can imagine it has been difficult for you, without the hype of completing the circumnavigation, facing a lot of criticism, adjusting to life on land, and having to find new goals, even if short-term or mundane ones.
Just goes to show your maturity in navigating this time. I hope you do set a happy and fulfilling course for yourself.
Best wishes
Glad to know you are satisfied with your developing situation Abigail. Your further schooling is vital but, a quality action book can't be dashed off like a 1,500 word term paper.
ReplyDeleteYou need to assemble "readers" the kind that won't pull any punches to grade the work ...no matter who and how accomplished the "collaborator" is. Love that word haven't seen it used in quite some time... we think of you and the boat more often than not...
Hi Abby...It is soo nice to read your blogs and see that you are really having a good time, now that you are home.
ReplyDeleteFlying and sailing. ... Having spent a mator part of my life in the USAF, I tend to agree with yoj, to some extent. Perhaps navigation might be similart etc, but since I am not a sailor I probably should not comment.
Emjoy being back home and yes... College may sound a little daunting, I am sure when the day comes, you will handles it quite well. May the Good lord watch over you in whatever endeavours you plan. Luv Ya bunches
Bud & Charla Winnett
Wheeling , Mo.
Sounds like an awesome day!
ReplyDeleteBenny & Lily
My dream once was, to sail the big ocean to the S. Pacific crewing on others boats, but my knees were always bad, so I turfed that idea. I lived my dream thru your blogs and thoroughly enjoyed riding the waves with you. I can certainly understand how different it must be to be on land and not totally ready to be there!!! I wish you could just say "I'm off again", but I guess reality has to be reckoned with sometime! Keep your chin UP and your spirits up with a big smile. We look forward to the BQQK. .....Anne from Calgary CANADA
ReplyDeleteGive it time Abby. God will give you what you want. I'm sure a goal that really excites you will fall in you lap. Might be something you never even thought of :)
ReplyDeleteKeep your chin up, and your eyes on the horizon. Your chance to soloround will come again someday. And when it does I hope you'll keep a blog so that we can journey along with you, just like we have for the past few months. With your beautiful soul and adventerous spirit, and proud parents and loving family who stand behind you 200% there are no limits to what you can and will do with you life. Dream Big!
Regards & Well Wishes,
Thanks Abby,
ReplyDeleteHave fun.
Love ♥
Richard (QLD) Aus
Hi Abby nice to hear from you again!
ReplyDeleteI think it is good for you to take a little brake from sailing and do other things. Sometimes things we have a passion for can get a little monotonous and we need to give it a little vacation. It may be that this is what you need right now and this will lead the way to other new projects.
Nice to hear that you are thinking about college also. It IS a far cry form sailing but you never know,college may lead the way to areas of study that are close to sailing. One thing is for sure...you will never stop sailing because it is your passion in life. So don't be afraid. You are a very intelligent and courageous young lady with a full life ahead of you and many paths to choose from.
Also I want to congratulate you on your meet with your collaborator for your book. How exciting!! Can't wait to read it.
Thanks for the pictures and have a safe and great weekend Abby. Hugs for you and your family. Virginia in Miami,Fla.
thanks for the update
ReplyDeleteHope you will find your way back to the sea again Abby - will you keep the dream alive? Keep on sailing Abby.
ReplyDeleteAbbey, you sound like a busy girl. I think you and Jessica must eat the same Wheaties! Flying and sailing are very much interelated. Navigation works the same. Physics are very much the same as they both depend on Bernoulis law and of course they both contend with Murphy's Law. I do not recommend that beautiful Beech Bonanza for a beginner however, unless you have money to burn. How about driver's training? You haven't mentioned that. By all means get your book completed and buckel down and get a degree while you are young. It is too hard to come back to schooling at a later time. You can always take another crack at circumnavigating at a later date. I wish you the very best of luck in whatever you decide.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nice pics and update Abby. I think you will be out on the water again sooner than you think. Please do write the book. I would love to read it. Have fun and stay in touch. It's always nice to see something from you once in a while. Love and hugs from Florida.
ReplyDelete"Sky Captain" Abigail,
ReplyDeleteLove your blog today Abby...lots of great news "from home". Good to see you spending some time at the marina and I was happy to read that you are having some FUN. It seems you have a lot on your plate at the moment and you need to enjoy what's left of your summer too.
Your photos from the plane trip to Monterey interested me. Canada's largest military air base is just 10 miles from my home so I am always watching for something interesting overhead...I love sailboats but airplanes too. According to my source I see that you and Toby flew to Monterey in Bill's BEECH Model A36 manufactured in 1988. You look very comfortable at the controls...Captain. And it looks like Ben was also enjoying his moment at the hangar. Thanks Bill for looking after "our" Abby.
Abby...a suggestion...if you can share any more of your Monterey trip photos in your "photo gallery" that would be appreciated.
Looking forward to hearing more about how the book will come together. Lots of love to you and the family,
john, Bay of Quinte on Lake Ontario, Canada
Abby, You look happy and heathy. Who could ask for anything more? Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteFlying is much like sailing in one way: The air, even more than the sea, is very unforgiving of even the slightest error. Even more than at sea, the slightest carelessness can get you--and others--killed!
ReplyDeleteWhen flying, remember the things that count the least: How much altitude is ABOVE you, how much runway is BEHIND you, and how much fuel is back at the airport!!
Harry in Houston, TX
Glad to hear you're getting started on the book. Can't wait to read it. I bet you probably will try flying one day. LOL! Did Charlie make it back with you?
ReplyDeleteHah! This is what I've thought all along. I've been a pilot for over 50 years and you look like a natural at the wheel of an airplane. You can get your student license at 16. You will find that there are great similarities between airplanes and sailboats and the transfer of skill between one and the other is great. A sail "lifts" by the same principles that make an airplane wing fly.
ReplyDeleteHi Abbyy,
ReplyDeleteGlad you are keeping busy and your book about to begin. I am sure you will find a new goal in the near future.
Best wishes,
ReplyDeleteYou do have a goal - finishing high school and starting college. :D It is a little daunting, but just remember it's still school. Your job is to do the work and make the grades. (Now if only I could convince my kids of that...)
We lived in Monterey a few years ago and we loved it. The Aquarium was one of our favorite places. They were working a new exhibits right before we left - would love to see your pics if you have some to share. All of the restaurants on Cannery Row were wonderful - inside or out you could watch the ocean and the boats.
As soon as you tell us the book is ready we'll be buying it. My daughter thinks you should have it out already. (she's 10) I'm trying to explain the process to her but she'd rather have it be fast!
Best wishes!
Hi Abby,
ReplyDeleteSo nice to hear from you again.
The pictures are great.
Glad you were able to spend time at the marina.
I can hardly wait for your book. Good luck with it.
Your friend,
Clare, Spokane, WA USA
Dear Captain Abby:
ReplyDeleteHaven't forgotten you dear Brace Young Captain!
As I said in my older blogs, God has infinite wisdom and is always taking care of each of us, in great success or in the most dismal failure!
Continue to enjoy the big "BREAK" in your dream to sail or "fly?" solo around the world.
Wishing you and your entire family all that is best in the world, Peace, Happiness, Good Health and Abundance!
Jacky O
ReplyDeleteIt is wonderful to see you engaged in living, instead of hiding in remorse or depression. No matter what anyone says, flying and sailing are two very different things. They both involve mastery of the air, but flying does not mean feeling the air shift, and trimming the sails to suit, the exhilaration of running close-hauled, or the peace that a pleasant reach can bring.
I am eagerly awaiting your book, for a couple of reasons. You write very well, and express yourself in ways that many people cannot. Also, I want to be with you as you face the challenges of rounding the Horn, fighting with your auto-pilots, and watching the sunset when you know that you are the only person in hundreds of miles.
I believe that you are a very strong person, who will find a way to achieve what is important to you. I am sure that disappointment must be a constant companion right now, but remember; what you feel is a result of making the effort to do something, and not being able to finish. It is not failure, but something left undone.
My best wishes to all of your family, and I hope that you are ignoring the idiots who think that they are qualified to determine what you are able to do. Visualize being aboard Wild Eyes again, and it may be so. Give her your energy, and think of her often.
Take care!
ReplyDeleteGO GIRL GO!!!!
Just keep rolling and following your heart, it will lead you to who knows where and when. The journey through life is the key human experience. Most people just sort of exist and get from point A (birth) to point B (death) without actually living and, at the end, they are filled with anger, pity, misgivings, and doubts. They move across life without knowing where they have been, where they are, or where they are going. In most cases they are very close to doing something but cannot see that goal and so they bypass it for another fool's errand.
Abby, you are doing great, just continue to do what you are so good at, just be Abby. Continue to live life and share your youth with those of us that are in awe of your drive and vision.
I cannot wait for the book, please keep us posted on when and where it will be available.
In the mean time, just...
GO GIRL GO!!!!!!!!!!
John R Willis
Hi Abby, I'm having a hard time posting to your blog. I tried through my cell phone and I don't think it posted. I'll try again with my laptop.
ReplyDeleteYou will be up and sailing again soon, with your sail up high and with the wind at your back.
Try real hard to finish up your High School education. You will be glad you did five years from now.
You sound very normal by not wanting to hang out with mom and dad, although you have to remember you are still only "sweet 16"!
PS your little baby brother was born on my birthday June, 30.
Hi Abby, I can imagine that anything you do now would seem tame compared to your adventures on the high seas, but life is like that. Life itself is an adventure, and you continue to be an inspiration to young and old alike. I am looking forward to your book, and to following your further adventures. Keep on truckin' girl. Gus
ReplyDeleteHang in there, Abby! You'll get your "sea legs" back under you soon, and you'll be off and running on a new adventure!
ReplyDelete07-17-10 @ 12:15
ReplyDeleteHi Abby,
Thanks for the up-date, it’s always good to hear from you. I can fully understand your situation. You’ve been sailing for so long and that calls for 24/7 duty, no one to relieve you, and now you’re kinda idle. Your adrenaline is probably still flowing pretty good and you are “fidgety” and definitely need something, like you said, a goal.
But you’ll pull yourself together and get back into a groove that will suit you. I know you’re probably tired of hearing this but school and then on to college doesn’t sound to bad. Your still young and there’s nothing like a good education. After what you went thru I believe you wouldn’t have any trouble mastering college. You have the tenacity and drive and intelligence to succeed, heck, you just proved that with your voyage.
I’m glad to see that you’re getting things rolling with your book, that should be some good reading, so put yourself into it ….lol… Good luck to you on the book and also the jail ministry that you had mentioned. Maybe you could convey a little hope to some young girls that just don’t have any goals yet.
I enjoyed the pics and you look pretty comfortable at the ‘stick’.
Keep up the good work and you’ll do fine.
Loads of love and hugs, and remember God is always with you.
Your faithful friend, fan and follower.
Michael (75) from Kingwood
Hey Abby, powered flight is not similar to sailing you need to do some gliding instead and yes it is still different and records for the longest glide are still being set. I know goals are important however I don't want to see you trying to reach higher and higher goals just to impress or keep the attention of the public so please don't go that route. I would like to see you better yourself, contribute to helping someone else and this planet;) Make a difference Abby! RR
ReplyDeleteHi Abby,
ReplyDeletean Haiku for you:
drifting on the winds
watching the fish
having fun with the little brother
Hi Abby,I was contacted by the agent who is handling your T shirts an they appologized for the delay,but they said they are in process now and I told her that even if I did not get the T shirts Abby could keep the money as a gift after the wild ride we got for 5 months.
ReplyDeleteAbby I'm taking my kids and grandkids to Catalina on my 40 ft aft cabin motor yacht next week end,but I'm the kind of guy who likes to turn on the key and put the pedal to the metal.
Thanks for the update and I'm sure you will do fine whatever you do.
You have a great family.
God Bless
Libby Di Bernardo
San Pedro,Ca.
Hi Abby,
ReplyDeletean Haiku for you:
lone-some sailing girl
far away from home
looking into the rising sun
ReplyDeleteYou should learn to fly gliders. Soaring is much like sailing, but in three dimensions. Our club has a few women, one just turned 18 and she is on track to take her flight test this summer. You only need to be 16 to get your pilots license for gliders and if you choose to get your commercial, you can get paid for taking people up for rides. Check the website SSA.org for a glider club near you.
Bonjour Abby,
ReplyDeleteGive yourself some time, projects will pop up! Have you chosen your pictures for the book?
Enjoy your summer, take care!
hey abby girl - i'm excited to hear you have a collaborator for your book project - if you can, please share more about your plans for this sometime. i know you were struggling while on wild eyes how to write this book, so i'm happy to hear you are now actively pursuing this project.
ReplyDeletei'm sure it's difficult to be adjusting to life back on land. but you are a creative soul and i have no doubt that you will soon be pursuing exciting new projects....even college courses!! ;-)
for now, good luck and it's great to catch up on your latest news!! xo
Its just like the saying "a picture just doesn't really capture the view. So for us, as vividly expressed were your words, and they did have us on the edge, they didn't come any where near what you really experienced and endured.
ReplyDeleteYou are in a void and your words indicate a restless yearning. School, the book, will be there to accomplish. Your whole being has tasted a thrilling immersion into life and it wants to continue.
School..it can still be done. The book...salient notes chronicled. While you are still forming be open to opportunities and possibilities. Plan with the thoroughness of the previous. Your family and the rest of us have your back. Keep dreaming Abby. Much has been given you. Take it to the edge and take us with you.
Stay in school abby, your spelling and sentence stucture need to mature... god will help you with that if you let him.
ReplyDeleteAbby. I hope you read this. Thank you for writing. Still praying for you. and the family.
ReplyDeleteThank you for everythign you've done- you have had a major impact on many many people. God allowed this trip, and directed its outcome,, for a purpose. His purpose is always to glorify Himself- that is, to use it for His good- to affect people. I think you should puruse the future with that in the back of your mind, and it will make your decisions much easier.
Please stay in touch with us. Some day I would like to meet you in person. Until then, we'll keep praying that He will guide you and protect you.
Ron in Colorado
Wow, from boat to plane, and if I recall somewhat correctly, you haven't even started driving yet! I won't hide the envy and admiration here. :D
ReplyDeleteThat camera you're wearing...it's a Canon...40D? 50D? Are you a photographer too? That's such a cool camera!
High school and college too shouldn't be too hard for someone with your kind of greatness and skill. Sometimes they say college is when you have the best time of your life. If that's true, then you're going to have quite some adventures to beat what you already have under your belt!
Keep looking forward, and clear skies!
-Howard W. California.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy the rest of you summer. I can see how flying planes could be similar to sailing, but i can also see how it would not be the same. with sailing you have nothing but the wind, when summing up vectors and with a plane you have the current engine displacement.
Good luck with your book, I can't wait to read it, But you don't need to rush it, make sure you are happy with the finish product.
ReplyDeleteIt is wonderful to hear that you are finding excitement in "everyday life", as I'm sure that it has been an enormous adjustment to come back. The joy you seem to have with your family, and the anticipation you have for school are such positives. We know you can't always feel "up", but just know that there are many people that care, have faith in you, and know that you have so much to contribute. We hope all goes well with your book writing, and we look forward to being able to see through your eyes once again, the amazing journey you took. Stay positive, and be happy. Sailing through life comes in many forms. We know you continue to be the master of your "ship". Blessings to you.
Kelly and Dave from Santa Clarita
Well when you finish that book, you have my word. I will purchase it.
ReplyDelete-Mike R. from Redondo Beach-
Funny. I thought sailing should be like flying too. We both ride waves of varying intensity. Why should the ones on the ocean be any different; I thought. And they didn't bother me at all; for a couple of hours. But then I went below and grabbed something to eat. I nearly kissed the ground when we got back to the dock.
ReplyDeleteHi Abby,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. This summer has been a busy one for us. I have been keeping up with your blogs though and I think you should get your college degree before you take on another adventure. You are so young still and have time to do it all. I know you will sail around the world again someday but speaking from my own personal experience, the longer you wait to attend college, the harder it will be.
With that being said, I think you are so wise beyond your years and you are blessed in so many ways. I always look forward to hearing from you!! Take care.
Alyssa from Irvine, CA
Glad you are settling in and good luck with school.
ReplyDeleteWhy dont't you update your welcome section of your homepage?
Hi Abby! My name is Karen and I am the Mom of two teenage kids (one college age.) We live in the mountains of the Appalachians where beauty abounds! Just wanted you to know that I am so very glad that you are home safely. I prayed for you when you were being searched for; I had the impression that my prayer reached you and that you were indeed, alive. I have followed your blog and the rescue. Have faith Abby! Trust and lean on God Abby-he knows the desires of your heart and has many (and only)
ReplyDelete~~good things~~in store for you!
Karen (louvregirl)
:):) waving!!
Solo fly around the world? :P
ReplyDeleteHi Abby: I guess we are just like everyone else that has followed you on your blogs, always enjoying knowing what you are doing. Its fun to read about your trips and seeing the great pictures. We know whatever your ventures will be they will be exciting, maybe in different ways. Will look forward to your book. God Bless, Grandad & Grandma, West Los Angeles, CA.
ReplyDeleteDear Abby
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for your book to come out hope to have your autograph on It well Dear young lady I too wish that I was at the Seaport more often but It saddens me that I don't have a Sailboat of my own I've been dreaming so long for one I have a little grey hair It would make me very happy If I had a job down by the docks better then this Self Storage job I have now I've been In the office furniture and retail for over 30 years you would think I would have saved enough money to get a Sailboat I remember when I was younger never could stay away from lake Michagan In Chicago even when I build my model sailing ships I get depressed for the sea I've raised 4 of my six sisters growing up so I was to busy to think and dowhat I really wanted to do Sail around the seven seas I still have very much hope To get a 40 ft Sailing Yacht my love of the sea Is so strong but I'm land locked To bad I can't work for your father But his company Is very well Known to me he has very excellent clean lined boats so Abby as you well now I don't give up my dream and thoughts I get very sad but there Is always a chance and hope Of getting my yacht and living on It and sailing where ever my thoughts would take me. I think you would make a very great marine biologist I know your drawn to the sea as I am
It will never leave me so let the wind fill your Sails and take you through fair weather
ReplyDeleteIt is always wonderful to stop by your blog. You are an amazing young lady. Hats off to you and your parents.
Well done so far, Abby.
ReplyDeleteI can understand your itch to start another project, but don't abandon this one. The sailing was only part of it - now you have to learn to make the most of what you have achieved. Giving talks, and using your fame to attract people to worthy causes are both important - put your heart into these activities as well.
And the same applies to the book, which will still be around after people have forgotten the talks and celebrity guest appearances.
In the days when I worked in an office, someone had a very apt cartoon over his desk, with the caption:
"The job's not over until the paperwork is done".
Bear that in mind, and you'll go a long way...
Oh, and most important of all -
Have Fun!
Hello Abby and followers,
ReplyDeleteA thought about Flying and Sailing as I do bothand have for years. To see how much the same they are try flying gliders (sailplanes). The days you find lift you can go and focus on a target place miles ahead (a goal for the day). And on the other days with no lift you get to drift after a tow. Much like sailing no wind we drift and when the wind returns we focus on a goal in the distance.
Safe Adventures
from around Redondo Beach
Hi Abby:
ReplyDeleteTerrific pictures. What ever you decide to do, keep the focus and everything will fall in to place.
Hugs, seattlesid
Blessed Greetings unto you Ms. Abigail, Captain
ReplyDeleteI read your latest blog and was wondering for projects and goals and school if you ever thought about: yacht design; since you love sailing so much. They even have on-line courses! http://www.westlawn.edu/ Maybe you could design your own 12-meter racing yacht and be the first woman to win the American's Cup. Have you seen the design of those babies lately? They are so—awesome! Trimarans. I believe your dad could be of great help to you if you chose that route in your education. Maybe you and Zac could pursue it together. Or how about this idea: have you ever seen the movie: "The White Squall". It stars Jeff Bridges as a Captain of a 2-3 masted tall ship, him and his wife run a school through it for troubled teens. The students learn their regular studies plus seamanship, and they sail all over the place. It's a really touching movie; I won't ruin the end for you, in case you haven't seen it. Maybe you and your whole family could get involved in setting up something like that. It would be something everyone could contribute something to and get involved in, and you'd be helping out the community too! Hey— I was only brainstorming and trying to help out. Maybe these ideas only enlighten me, but then again you never know, all it takes is an idea, as I'm sure you're already aware of I read your blogs all the time, over and over again, and look at the pictures and dream. Dream that it is me sailing! So thanks for the blogs and pictures! They do so much for me and my dreams I can’t wait to read your book, perhaps even get an autographed copy. WoW! Or maybe even better, I’ll get to meet you at a book signing or something, (Oh, my heart be still! That’ll have to be my 2nd dream, though ) What is it in the Spirit that draws it to the sea Abigail? Well, I must go for now, God bless you my friend! Oh BTW, did you know: sailors never grow old, they just get a lil’ dingy. I love that.
Kenny (33.2º, -117.2º)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see you're getting out and about. You really looked at home at the controls of that plane. Thanks for the great pictures, this post and the last. You're baby brother is beautiful.
I think the idea of speaking to young women in prison is great. A young person in that situation can surely use a healthy dose of self confidence to turn their life around; and you've lots of that to offer.
I hope work on your book progresses well and good luck on your return to school. I'n sure you'll do well in college too.
Thanks for keeping us posted.
Nick - Waterbury CT
Dear Abby,
ReplyDeleteGlad you are home, safe and sound. I tried posting when the rescue op was in full swing, but I think there was just too much traffic for it to go through. I checked your blog daily and I would share with my students your latest happenings. As a School Counselor, part of my job entailed manning the Student Support Center where students would serve in-school suspensions and detentions. I would be like, "You can't stay in class and do your work without getting in trouble, but this 16-year old girl can sail around the world and battle 40 foot waves? Come on!" Anyway, I'm sure you're experiencing the let down down many of us feel after a big event is over--prom, wedding, vacation, sailing around the world :), etc. I have no doubt you will set another goal soon. As an educator, I have to make the plug for going to college. You could always do one of those Semester at Sea programs. Although, that would probably be pretty tame for you! I can't wait for the book and hope you do local book signings. Through your blog, you have become everyone's daughter, sister and friend. We're all here rooting for you!
Abby, Once again you just amaze me, now go get a job with NASA because you could very easily qualify Becoming an Astronaut...........Peace & Aloha,Lynn
ReplyDeleteStatement / Correction - Re: Abby Sunderland representation
ReplyDeleteI am no longer representing Abby Sunderland or the Sunderland family as manager, publicist or agent. Furthermore it should be noted that neither Abby nor her family have ever been clients of Mercer PR in an official sense. They were simply a family I reached out to help because they were in the very difficult situation of attempting to deal with extremely negative, intense media exposure at a time they simply should have been celebrating the saved life of a young girl plucked from the Indian Ocean.
As a PR professional experienced in crisis management, I offered to help and was subsequently requested by the Sunderland family to represent Abby after she was located by rescuers. I implemented a professional and effective communications and media approach to protect their dignity and help them focus on looking after their daughter. I am proud of the results I was able to achieve for them. During this time I discussed the ongoing management of Abby and came to a verbal agreement to represent her in the future. I mentioned this as a minor part of a subsequent press release regarding a possible Australian trip.
However this was premature and I have since – following discussion and agreement with the family - decided to decline further representation of Abby or any other member of the Sunderland family. Abby has been through a difficult time and has handled herself with poise and maturity. I wish her all the best for the future.
Lyall Mercer
'Needing some sort of goal' is par for an outcome of not entirely culminating your dream into reality. Goals not reached can suspend you in a limbo at any age. Now 'hard for you at times to be at home 'is natural as you should still be on Wild Eyes nearing your dream point of arrival in time. You have adjustments to make in the face of a hurtful letdown that you have tried to put a happy :)face on nonetheless. You can again be alone on the high seas with another limelight than you had you heretofore. There is the quest to salvage treasure from the many days and nights under the moon and stars that only a few can gaze. Begin recall of deep thoughts you had then and write them in a journal. Your voyage into the universe of sight and sound on the ocean surface is readily described, yet you can further touch the unseen cosmic overlay of all the other dimensions you felt along that way. Maybe not so prolific yet, but they are there and you can unfold and give them in a seperate book following your initial publication. Your young heart is still out there on the ocean of your dreams and honesty promises more good to come as you keep on the path of Light, Life , and Love .
ReplyDeleteHi Abby,
ReplyDeleteLoved the pictures. You are going to do so well in whatever you decide to do. You are a very smart and amazing young lady. I will be looking forward to reading your book. God Bless Gail/Ventura
Best wishes Abby and Sunderland Family, look forward to reading and watching more adventures. Would say more but everyone before me did a great job so I won't repeat it.
ReplyDeletePlease don't burn yourself out, we want you around a long time.
Take care.
Scott in Maryland
Hi Abi,
ReplyDeletejust a small point on flying-sailing.
We, in our local squadron have the fortune as some of our friends contest as deltaplaners or hang gliders too. (I'm uncertain, which term is used in English.) They are successful pilots at international level competitions. Even more they started their air career first and then "downgraded" :) from there to sailing. They simply had an intention to try the water practice too. At last they sticked to it, they have been our good fellows for one and a half decade and they became excellent yachtmen achieving more champinships. Well, their firm opinion is: "sailing is quite another activity (!), it is more complex than flying ..."
They are authentic sources. I believe them.
Toward college years. In my childhood I used to be a dolphin-expert. Unfortunately in that times this was not a realistic option for a continental kid closed behind the iron-curtain. I mention this, because nowadays there must be lots of specialized professions around sailing and marine life, you can perhaps find exciting: e.g. marine biologist, ship design engineer, sail maker, sport manager, sailsport journalist (wo or w photo-reporting), etc. ... All what I mean, there are options for you to stay around sailing while collect puzzles of significant knowledge from various areas in relation sea and yachting. You do not have to go at college, since lots of this knowledge is available on internet.
Still, I think the most important point in going to a college, is meeting some excellent masters of their profession, who can help and guide you toward the nicest path suitable for you. Certainly your parents and Zac are the very first ones in this queue of masters ... The number one demand -as you expressed very well in your blog- you should always build and have goals that do make sense, that are valuable to strive for.
I guess, the following elephant-task of yours by the next 6-8 weeks should be writing. Look back to your trip from a bird-eye perspective, choose some main-points and this will provide the writing effort with more than enough content. You see, the book will be ready very soon! Many hundreds of us wait for it!
Have a nice author-season!
Kind regards, Péter
Hi, Abby!
ReplyDeleteI have already written 2 or 3 comments in your blog, but they aren't sufficient to express all my admiration for you. I have just read you are going to write a book, find a boat, learn to surf... you are an exemplary girl! I am looking forward to read your book... but you are not the only one writer:)
One of my hobbies is to write poems, and I have thought to dedicate this to you, but I hope you may understand it well, because my english is not so good...
In a dream I have known a true friend,
and I could see
her wonderful blue eyes,
the same colour of the sky,
illuminated by the sun,
which light up the beauty
of that courageous and special girl,
who was illuminated by a magnificent light
which makes she very happy
to be there, in that magic moment.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I really believe in she,
because she realizes her dreams
with courage, without any fear
helping all the people
to believe in their dreams.
When I woke up I kept my mind out of the dream,
and I remembered that there's that girl.
And you can't say again I'm a dreamer,
it wasn't imagination, but only reality.
You are that girl, many thanks!
I have published this poem in my "note" on facebook (my name in facebook is "Matteo Caldonazzo"). If you want, you (and all the people who read this message) may write a message.I hope you like it:).
Take care!
You wrote "but of course my camera memory card was full right as the sun started to go down".
ReplyDeleteA memory card can have room for a thousand pictures. Have you filled it already since Reunion, do you use an old camera or is the camera from Wild Eyes?
In the latter case it would be fun to see some more pictures from Wild Eyes, and pictures from the rescue boats.
I hope you rescued at least your camera and the book text you wrote after Cape Town (the photos and texts from until Cape Town were safety copied, I have read that). Maybe we can see some of them in the book.
Ben, Sweden
Hi Abby,your T-shirts just arrived this morning 7-19-10 and I will start wearing them tommorrow.
ReplyDeleteThey are very nice and a good conversation starter.
I will wear them in Avalon also.
Abby,thank you and good luck.
Libby Di Bernardo
san pedro Ca.
With the publicity you have, and the support from the community of sailors, and this blog (which you should take seriously and communicate as often as you can)...you definitely have the opportunity to create something, maybe a foundation that has a cause? Take some time and think about it, maybe poll your audience, we are all here to support you...make the most of it.
Abby, I think your awesome! U r such an inspiration to other teens! I can't wait to read your book. God bless!
ReplyDeleteHey Abby how's it going? Of all the things that I could possibly say; the thing I want to say the most is: "you sure are pretty!"
ReplyDeleteJAA (Just Another Admirer:-)
Sailing is a lot more like flying than you think!....
ReplyDeleteA sailboat is basically an airplane rotated 90deg with one wing in the air, and one wing (acutally two (keel+rudder)) in the water. Many of the same principles apply in terms of flow, balance, autopilots, sail/wing shape etc etc. That, and all the communications, navigation skills/equipment, required to undertake both sailing and flying an airplane!.....but alas, I'm sure you already know all that since you consider yourself an around the world sailor!! Good luck in the future!
Can't wait to read your book so you can dismiss all the negative/speculative (although, some may be true!) comments on the actual events leading up to your dismasting!
How about a pilot's license? I am a 26 year old female Helicopter pilot, and I started my licensing when I was about 20. It's amazing, and honestly feels a lot like being on the water (I've been on the water since I was about 1!). It's fun, but expensive, but being a young woman there's a LOT of opportunities out there for you! Loans and such! If you want more information, feel free to email Charima@rock.com. Take care :)
ReplyDeleteDear Abby,
ReplyDeleteI agree, change is hard. Especially changing from the exhilaration of your sailing trip to land life. Abby, it's normal to feel sad after such a big event, especially when it didn't go as you planned. I'm kind of going through a similar thing, I understand. Keep your head up and be kind to yourself. And I promise, college will challenge you! You have a great wind behind your life sails, all of us who believe in you. So go find your next dream and reach down and pull someone up on the way. Wishing you the best, as always.
Ok, high school, then drivers lisence.
Everglades Challenge, 300 miles, 3/5/2011
Florida Challenge, 1200 miles, 3/3/2012
Northwest Passage(been waiting on climate change, now ready), 2013 or so.
Fetch Voyager1, 3 year trip, 2020, logistics and hardware planned in 1993 but waiting on fundraiser(you and Zac)
college, in between there somewhere
Bill Holliday
New braunfels, Texas
correction; voyager1 should be viking1
Bill Holliday
New braunfels, Tx.
First off, glad you're home safe & sound. I quietly followed your blog through the whole process. Your comment regarding flying being similar to sailing is relative how the air flows against the foil of an airplane wing and the same type of effect that the air flows along the draft of a sail for forward proportion. I race on a lake in Georgia and have a couple of friends that have crewed for me that are pilots. They have learned to understand sail trim quite quickly with their knowledge about the air foil of an airplane wing. Does this make sense?
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to you.
This is a time for you to rest and heal from the excitement of the past few months, time to relax and experience the world around you. Soon enough the next project will appear.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime you have a lot to share with others, I just know that people will be so very impressed with your path in life and that you will inspire others to do great things.
Welcome home Abby...I have been away, catching up here. Congrats on your new brother. He has a very brave and courageous older sis he will be proud of someday. Happy to see your settling back in at home,with lots to think about past and present. Ya would'nt that be special if Wild Eyes showed up on some beach somewhere, you never know. Well...good to see you home safe and sound....take care for now.
ReplyDeleteBob from Boston
Abby, how about you work out how to raise some money and send it to the Australian Search and Rescue.
ReplyDeleteYou failed on your attempt and cost a lot of people money. I am glad you were rescued. Any money you make on a book you should send to the people that helped you. I bet you don't post this!
This is to Anonymous that posted at 6:02 AM:
ReplyDeleteYou really need to get it together before you post. There is (was and will be) agreements regarding the conduct of Search and Rescue (SAR) operations worldwide. The basic rule is that a person (any person) that is in distress and activates an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon for maritime use), ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter for aviation use), or PLB (Personal Locator Beacon for land-based applications) is treated the same regardless of the nationality of the person or the circumstances of the activation. The world is divided into zones of responsibility and each servicing SAR Center utilizes whatever resources that it takes to rescue the person (or persons) in distress.
Take some time and go to the Coast Guard site at http://uscgsar-onscene.blogspot.com/. This site lists the SARSAT Weekly Rescues from the US Coast Guard. You can then post to this blog regarding which people should pay and which should have the Coast Guard pick up the tab.
I will also ask you to consider this. Why should the Police, Fire, and EMTs provide aid at a traffic accident to a drunk driver? Following your logic they would not.
I would also ask what YOU would have done if you were in Abby's position? Her position was that Wild Eyes caught a rogue wave (not her fault) that rolled the boat, snapped the mast, and then swept the mast, sails, and rigging away into the sea. When she went up on deck, she did not have a mast, a sail, or any rigging. She also realized that she was not within a reasonable distance of any land mass that would provide any assistance (ie, has people on it with harbor facilities) nor was she within reasonable distance of any land mass that would offer protection while she decided what to do next. What type of sail would YOU be able to rig? Just which island would you have sailed to after erecting your new mast? I am sure that someone with your knowledge of the SAR system, open ocean sailing, and the islands in that part of the world will be able to generate and instant reply to this EMail.
John R Willis
Ahoy Abigail! It was overcast, and cold (66ºF)down here in OS, so I pulled out my Abby16 sweatshirt and put it on; it was warm and comfy! I hope everyone buys one to help you out. I wish my “whole wardrobe” was Abby16. I guess then I’d look like an Abby-geek huh? I don’t care:-)
ReplyDeleteIf you like, check out this link to a 40 ton whale landing on someone’s yacht, check out the name of the yacht too. Have a beautiful day! Toots!
Very glad that you have a publisher lined up already (“they”) so I will be able to read more details of your adventure and be more aware of your inner thoughts and emotions during your experience.
ReplyDeleteIs there any talk of a movie yet? love to see you play your own role.
Always thought your eyes were gray hazel, the same color, as the Wild Eyes’ eyes have been painted. These latest pictures don’t have enough resolution to tell.
Dear Abby, I'm glad that the Australian Search and Rescue saved you!!! It is there job "regardless". I also understand that it is International law that any country with coastline offer rescue efforts to "any" disabled crafts for "whatever" reasons. I believe that law was adopted after the Titanic catastrophe. Anyhow, I'm sure that you and any body else familiar with the "rules of the waterways" would know. As I've said before: there is a principal that is a "bar" against all information, proof against all arguments, and which can not fail but to keep someone in "everlasting" ignorance, and that principal is contempt prior to investigation. Which some poster on this page is guilty of! I hope you post this!
ReplyDeleteAre you a Licensed Pilot too? I just passed my Private Pilot Checkride at 17, so I had to ask when I saw the pics of you flying the Beechcraft Bonanza!
I think you did a great job out there. Did I read that you climbed out on the boom at one point? I salute you. Im a sailor, and if I lost the mast, Id sure as hell want to be saved, unless I could cut it off and get the engine to work reliably, and maybe even then!
ReplyDeleteBut now, for what my opinion's worth to you, I think you should focus on school school school!
ReplyDeleteA hero little sailor
ReplyDeleteand a true achievement
glad to hear you're doing well! if you want to go to college but also want to be by the sea, you should see what types of colleges have environmental studies. you could even join the coast guard! i'm sure you'll find something you want to do that includes sailing! what about sailing lessons?
ReplyDeleteCapt. Abby,
ReplyDeleteWe haven't hear from you in a while, but I'm
sure your just having a teen summer time. Then of course you're enjoying the family and friends.
I know I am speaking for the rest of your blog, that we all miss you terribly. Hope that book is getting some attention. That will be exciting. Keep up posted of course.
Always a fan,
Dee in Santa Clarita, Ca
Hi Abby,
ReplyDeleteAnytime you or your family want to go sailing in San Diego, let me know.
I started following your adventures on 1/23/2010. It was exciting while it lasted. Someday I know you will sail around the world. Next time take a few friends with you and stop along the way.
I would like to see a movie about your trip. I already feel I know the ending though. I'm sure there is a lot I don't know about what went on behind the curtains. It will be a good movie. You had a lot of press, so most people already know who you are. You are a world famous sailor Abby.
I'm glad you're safe. I was worried when you went missing. You are a very brave and intelligent girl.
Tell the people who want you to pay for the rescue, saving people on the high seas is the right thing to do. People don't charge people to rescue them. The right thing to do is to rescue your fellow man or woman. It is a written law you have to rescue a person on the water if you can.
I looking forward to your next adventure.
Captain Bill from San Diego
Gives self a smack in the forehead with palm of hand - OOPS! In some of your early posts, I could swear I saw mention of College textbooks, etc, and so made the bright assumption that you were out of high school already, and taking college courses. I suppose I could have been more wrong - at least I didn't jump to having you doing post-doctorate work, right?
ReplyDeleteKeeping an eye out, and wondering if there's going to be a second volume to follow the first. Hang in there! (Imagine cutesy kitten poster 'here')
Wow, that's really cool! Steer a plane!!!