Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Note from Abby

Hey everyone,
Sorry I haven't written in so long as you probably already know I had a pretty rough couple of days. I can't write much now as I am typing on a french key pad as well as trying to stay seated in a bouncy fishing boat.

The long and the short of it is, well, one long wave, and one short mast (short meaning two inch stub.) I'll write a more detailed blog later, just wanted to let every one know I am safe and sound on a great big fishing boat headed I am not exactly sure where.

Crazy is the word that really describes everything that has happened best.

Within a few minutes of being on board the fishing boat, I was already getting calls from the press. I don't know how they got the number but it seems everybody is eager to pounce on my story now that something bad has happened.

There are plenty of things people can think of to blame for my situation; my age, the time of year and many more. The truth is, I was in a storm and you don't sail through the Indian Ocean without getting in at least one storm. It wasn't the time of year it was just a Southern Ocean storm. Storms are part of the deal when you set out to sail around the world.

As for age, since when does age create gigantic waves and storms?

I keep hitting the wrong keys and am still trying to get over the fact that I will never see my Wild Eyes again. So Ill write more later.



  1. Well needless to say, you've come so far and there are many proud people of your achievements to date.

  2. Abby! So glad you're safe! Sorry to hear about Wild Eyes! She was such a beautiful yacht! At least the most precious cargo was saved and the most beautiful!

    Have a safe journey home! Looking forward to a more detailed post!

  3. Abby, you and all of Team Abby should be proud of what you have done - storm or no storm! The media is going to blow this way out of proportion, because all they see is $$$. Try not to let them get you (or your family/Team) down! Everyone did their best to make this trip happen, but you can't control everything! Glad you are safe! Godspeed!

  4. I admire your courage and determination. Your ability to keep yourself safe until help arrived speaks volumes to your skill. Sail on!

  5. Blessings and mercies from above as you chart the course for this next phase of life. You are in our prayers...

  6. My wife and I admire your strength and courage, Abby. When are you going to give it another shot?

  7. Abby
    Glade your Safe!!!

    Thanks for your note and update!.

    As always, all the best!!

  8. We're just glad that you're safe. You are right, a storm is a storm, period. And, don't worry about the press. Good news is no news; but we are so happy to see your post. Get some rest!

  9. Having followed your journey the past few weeks, I am glad that you are safe!

  10. I applaud your adventure. You are a very brave young woman.

    I hope you have a wonderful life.

  11. Abby.. You done very well to get out of a bad situation.No sailor would have done any better!!
    As you said age doesnt make storms!!
    Very well done. " Kia Kaha"

  12. I think you are very brave! It was a worthy effort. I am sure you will do great things in life. I wish you luck. And, I am sorry about your Wild Eyes :(

  13. Don't let the naysayers get you down. They have too small brains and heart and too large backsides to understand courage. Keep your head up. Sorry you had to let go of Wild Eyes. I know that must be tough on you. She did her best served you well.

  14. Abby,

    We are all glad you are safe and sound, and are very proud of never really live unless you follow your dreams. Remember the good trips and times with Wild Eyes. She served you well.

  15. Im sorry you lost wild eyes :(

    But am glad that you are alive :)

    And C'est la vie...

    You've learned well, and these lessons will carry you from now on...

  16. Keep your chin up! You're a rock star and forget the ones who want to blame someone for everything as they sit in their armchair.

    Glad you're back! There's always another boat to go round on in the next attempt. She did her job for you.

  17. The definition of bravery is setting out to do something grand in spite of fear and whatever anyone else says....I have been following your travels since day 1and am proud of are a true lover of the sea and sailing and whatever your parents did to educate you worked! Keep setting those goals high...and you'll never have any regrets!

  18. womderful to hear ur safe. u did what u could do and still did a great job. it was a dream u had and did what u could. I give u my heart for tring and livin ur dream. powerful girl u are and such great family and friends that helped. Avoid the bad news and be happy that u did what u did. prayers from minnesota!!! U go girl!!!

  19. Abby, please do not be concerned with what people say! You are one of the most courageous young ladies in this entire world. You hit a storm and there's nothing else to it! Please know that the most important thing is that God took care of you and that you are alive and safe. God Bless you Abby! Hold your head high! You deserve it!!! I'm so sorry about Wild Eyes. It must be like losing your best friend! Hang in there girl! Much love to you!

  20. So glad you are safe, I am a mother and was so concerned for you. However, I admire your courage and spirit and your obvious skill as a sailor. I am sure you will continue to be a wonderful role model for other young women. Congratulations for what you achieved so far. And once again, good to know you are well.

  21. "God's" Speed Abby! You are one of the bravest girl/woman I know! Thank God you are safe...I am so sorry you lost Wild Eyes.

  22. I have a 15 year old daughter and I hope she grows up just like you. You are brave and passionate and the world is a better place when we see teenagers like you in it. Wild Eyes will be just fine bc that is really where she ought to be sailing in the ocean. As for the silly adults...Abby,,they are just jealous that they do not have such a focus and passion as you do. I bet there are many more successful adults who would join me in telling you that although you have not reached your own personal goal you set out to achieve you have made other teenagers your age search for their passions and made a huge difference to many others. Sail on.

  23. As for the naysayers, they have no clue. You knew about the risks of the storms before you set out and I'm assuming planned as much as you could for them.
    As far as your age goes, it's not like you walked in one day and said "Mom, Dad, I'm going to sail around the world." and they just said "Ok, sweety, we'll see you when you get back... Oh, and what's sailing?" They obviously thought you were able to manage whatever came your way (which you have). The naysayers are just jealous because a) their kid's highest accomplishment is getting a high score on a Wii, and b) they aren't comfortable with letting their kid spread his/her wings and fly.

    Godspeed, get another boat, and at some point in the future, finish your travels. :)


  24. Age ain't nothing but a number. You were going to be 16 anyway, so why not make it the year to sail around the world solo? :)

    Godspeed on your journey home.

  25. We are thrilled you are safe and sound. Sorry to hear about your boat though. Sad!

    Martha and Solie

  26. Abby,
    So happy you're okay!! And good for you attempting this trip at any age. You're right. Age doesn't create storms. Get some sleep and then fill us in on the details. There will be another boat and another trip, it is your destiny. Welcome back.
    A fan in Northern California.

  27. So Glad to hear you are safe and sound!! I thought you were a brave girl just for taking the trip! Now you are the bravest girl I know for SURVIVING! Sometimes mother nature just know how to mess things up! Just remember, when one door closes another one opens! Enjoy the adventure to come!

  28. Lee David AuerbachJune 12, 2010 at 7:35 AM

    You are an extremely brave, powerful and intelligent woman. Looking forward to sharing your next adventure with you. But wait, this one's not over yet! Who' going to play you in the movie?

  29. Despite whatever the media spins this as, people like us do support you and your parents decision to let you do it.

    Have a safe(r) trip home now.

  30. Thanks to god!You are still young you have time on your side to try agan.Be thankful that you are ok.

  31. Abby, we're all glad you made through this ok. Congrats on making it so far, even if you didn't make it around the world what you did manage to do is truly impressive. I'm sorry about your boat, but hey, it did get you this far. :)

    Nathan, from Chicago, IL

  32. I'm glad you're safe. I'm so sorry your adventure ended the way it did, but I'll bet you'll get to complete it someday. It was wise to avoid the pirate infested waters north of your chosen route. It's better to take a chance on a storm than face crazies with guns that don't have much to live for. I feel your pain about the French keyboard. I studied in France, and it took me a month to learn to type again. From one adventurer to another, I wish you well.

  33. You did awesome Abby!

  34. I think you should be very proud of yourself, Abby!! You have shown great stamina through something that would probably have caused a lot of adults to CRACK!! Good luck with your trip home....we're all looking forward to having you back in the States!! Keep dreamin'! ;-)

  35. "everybody is eager to pounce on my story now that something bad has happened." I have followed your blog since approximately the beginning. You had a great adventure and it sounds like it is not quite over. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am a landlubber at 39 N 77 W.

  36. Couldn't go to sleep Thursday night until that airbus spotted you! (midnight PDT) We've been following you around the world, praying our hearts and souls out these past few days. You have worked so hard, you have fought so well - you have a tale to tell, and we can hardly wait to hear it, dear girl. Your quiet, steadfast spirit is evident throughout. Praising God for your safe recovery...
    The Shelton Family

  37. Glad she is safe and in good spirits. Don't let the press bother you with rude comments regarding age, parenting etc.. who are they to question that. I would be as you are, very proud of Abby.
    Sorry to see Wild Eyes succumb to the sea. Good luck with your next adventure. My family and I continue to follow Abby's adventure.

  38. Glad you're OK, kiddo! I'm sorry that you were unable to complete your voyage, but from my point of view, "you done good!" As a fellow American, I'm really proud of you! Best wishes.

  39. hi there Abby, its great to see your post and know you are warm and safe, no one isnt pleased about that, but I am sorry, but you have lived for only sixteen years and men and woman who have been sailing for 40 years say you shouldnt have attempted this trip in the southern indian ocean winter, I saw the builder of your yacht on TV and he was saying the same and also said it was the wrong boat for you. I would have thought you may have mentioned your rescuers too, the men and woman who flew for hours and hours to find you. Abby I hope you learn to be a little humble as you gain more wisdom

  40. Glad you made it through safely. You don't owe an explanation to anyone and I'm happy to see you have that attitude towards people that want to question you doing something you love.

    I don't doubt you've done more sailing than most people 2, 3, 4 times your age...and as you mentioned, I don't think a birthday or two was going to stop a wave from snapping a mast in half.

    Good luck to you. Get home and see your family soon!

  41. We've been following you for months, and it was like watching my own child or sister out there this very nervous week. We are so thankful that you are well, and safe. You are an amazing, strong young woman that we love. And no matter what anyone says, you have more support than critics. An entire world held their breath, waiting for you. People can say what they want, it makes no difference. You've done and experienced more than any of them in your 16 years. You're our hero. And didn't need to complete your trip to be. Thank God you're safe. :-)

  42. You are an amazing 16 yr old, wise beyond your years. I sat down and read your entire blog yesterday and was just in awe at what you have accomplished.
    So glad you are safe, what a life experience you have lived.

  43. Don't give up on your dream, no matter what anyone says!

  44. Abby, Great you are safe. I am envious that you ahd the courage and gumption to do this and you will always have these memories. I admire you! You've done nothing wrong and don't pay any attention to the nay sayers and do gooders who talk about teenagers being to young to do this and that.

    Best regards
    Joe Santore
    Atlanta USA

  45. God bless u Abby,i am so proud of u!

  46. Everybody is glad you are safe. You were right to follow your dream.

  47. Dear Abby, I am so sorry for your sadness in losing Wild Eyes. I hope the very wonderful memories and the very fact that you had the courage to do what you did will carry you through and inspire you on to your next endeavor. I am so happy that you are safe. The Lord has more plans for you. God bless you! Lisa Marx

  48. Abby, it's truly amazing what you did! Next time take your brother with a first...sailing in the northwest passage when the glaciers have melted (summer time for 3 weeks!) See if Billy C. has any ideas too!

  49. You are an amazing 16 yr old, wise beyond your years. I sat down and read your entire blog yesterday and was just in awe at what you have accomplished.
    So glad you are safe, what a life experience you have lived.

  50. Brave girl!...Glad you are ok......I wish you had some pics of those waves

  51. You seem wise beyond your years. Keep reaching for your dreams Abby!

  52. I say well done to you Abby, you followed your passion and due to unfortunate situations (nothing to do with age, experience or time of the year) sometimes things in life dont go according to plan.
    I congratulate your parents for sticking by what you wanted to achieve and no matter what people say it really doesnt matter, the love of your family, the people who know you and you yourself are all that counts.

    Stick with your passion, well done for how far you got, such a shame at the loss of wild eyes, keep your head held high and its worth every cent of my tax payers money to make sure a girl like yourself who is living and enjoying life has been helped when in need.

    Tracy (Melbourne Australia)

  53. yay abby. when you ponder this experience years from now, you will treasure having had the opportunity to travel your own path. you will be a better person for it, because now you know you can do *anything* you want. you have an education very few people your age have. you know things about yourself very few people of *any age* have. i'm so proud of you and wish you all happiness. congratulations on everything you have achieved. you are quite remarkable.

  54. Glad you are safe. Don't worry what people say, you did an amazing job. Inal sorry for the loss of your boat.

  55. Aggy, I am so glad you are safe. It was a miracle an aircraft was able to spot you in that rough ocean.

  56. Great to hear you're ok, but very sorry you lost Wild Eyes.

    Ignore the critics - their comments say a lot about them and nothing about you or your family.

  57. Fair winds and trailing seas Abby - the world is happy that you are alive and safe!

  58. I am glad you are safe!

  59. Glad you're safe and sound, Abby! Don't listen to the critics!


  60. Glad to hear that Abbie was rescued and in a safer environment. Storms and mother nature are impossible to predict and I am tired of the media feasting on her young age. Bottom line, storms at sea have taken down much larger vessels for hundreds of years. She is one incredibly brave young woman and I admire sense of adventure and bravery. She reminds me of myself. Sorry about Wild Eyes but she can be replaced. Good luck to all involved and great job!!!

  61. Abby- people will always be ready to pounce when something goes wrong. Just the way some are wired. And "bad news" is great for ratings.

    All the controversy has nothing to do with you. You are a remarkable young woman. Many people live their whole lives on this planet and never follow their heart and passion the way you are doing. Your courage, discipline and determination are an inspiration.

    I'm sorry things didn't work out this trip the way you hoped, and I hope you make another opportunity to do the sail. But whatever happens, I wish you all of life's blessings. -Karen

  62. You are safe!! thats the important thing...forget about what people says,sometimes they just like to criticize. The truth is a 16 years old girl had the drive and determination to do, what many adults would never even dream of. you have and amazing passion and talent, theres still plenty of Abby ,so show them...i know they are totally wrong! you keep doing what you love,and do not let anyone tell you different,if a 30 ft. wave couldn't bring you they think that a bunch of losers can? you tell me!!!

    Now a few of my favorites quotes...

    by Marilyn Monroe ,Gotta Love her!

    "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."


    "If I'd observed all the rules I'd never have got anywhere."


    "When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them."


    We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets."


    do you know what i mean? be safe sweetie! hugs & kisses

  63. We're happy you're safe and sound and look forward to hearing of your next adventure. Sorry to hear about Wild Eyes. All the best from Park City, UT.

  64. Abby,

    While it is surely true that the most important thing on Wild Eyes was you and you are safe, I am fairly sure the loss of her feels catastrophic and I am so sorry for your loss.

    As for the second guessers, critics and naysayers - they come out of the woodwork for every adventurer - double/triple/quadruple when the adventurer hits a snag. Only you know what is right for you. Stay the course :)!

    "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours." —Henry David Thoreau

    Ann Summers

  65. Glad to hear you are doing fine Abby! Don't give up! People always have something negative to say about EVERYTHING! Just ignore them! You are an amazing young woman!!

  66. It is so great to hear from you, both in this blog and on ABC Australia earlier this morning. We are so happy our prayers have been answered and you are safe. I know it will be tough to come to grips with losing Wild Eyes, but as grandparents ourselves, you are the most important thing. God Speed young lady and thanks for keeping us all informed.

    Ann and Steve Shreveport LA

  67. I, for one, feel the pain in your words, Abby. I am glad you are safe. There will be other opportunities. You have thousands of supporters who anxiously await your next adventure. For now, breathe deep and relax a bit.

  68. So I'm assuming the fishing boat is not towing Wild Eyes? Would probably be too cumbersome and also dangerous.
    Has Wild Eyes been intentionally scuttled, so as not to pose a danger to other vessels?

  69. Glad you're OK. Doesn't matter if you had made the complete trip or not or whatever you wanted to do. The main one you have to listen to is yourself! If others don't like it, that's their problem! It really wouldn't surprise me, on down the road, to read about a teenage young lady from California making another attempt at an around the world trip!

  70. Ignore the media. You can actually do that.

    My guess is you probably will see Wild Eyes again. Someday, the currents will bring her inland, and you'll get an unexpected phone call or e-mail.

    So glad you are safe. I was praying, along with many others, for you.

  71. Glad you're safe. Have a good ride.

  72. hey abby, its great to hear that your'e safe and well, really sorry to hear about the mast and the setback. Keep up the good work and the French fishing boat sounds like an adventure in itself!


  73. Happy to see that you are safe!
    The press only cares about BAD news not news.
    However, This is really good news because you are safe. You are very brave to embark on such a voyage, and endure the fury of the seas and come out alive. You have so much to be thankful for.
    I knew a seasoned sailor who was hit in the head with his sail boom an was killed right of Catalina! Good to see your ok abby.


  74. Hi Abby
    It's good to hear that you're safe and sound after your harrowing time with big winds and angry waves. You have our admiration and respect for your courage to follow your dream to take on the world . You should be very proud of what you have accomplished, and we are very sorry that mother nature dealt the hand that she did . Looking forward to your next blog.
    Love and hugs,
    Brian & Phillippa
    Vancouver, Canada

  75. Hi Abby,
    I am very happy you are all well!
    You are really very brave girl.
    I am sure Wild Eyes is very proud with you.

  76. i think you are a great human ;) and i have big respect fore what you are doing.

    I hope you wil have a new boat soon.

    Greetings From Holland


  77. I just want to say that I am so proud of you and of your parents..How strong Christians have faith and know that after preparing as much as humanly possible that you are now in God's hands...I understand and am envious. As a mom I hope that I will always do the same for my children..What a wonderful gift they have given both you and your brother..Let me repeat, I get it and I know many others that do...I pity the ones that don't understand...Godbless!

  78. Abby, chin up! You lost your ship but not your spirit. I hope you try again. The press and public seldom care when things go right, it's a sad commentary on society. You are a great example of everything right. Have a safe trip home, God Bless.

  79. Congratulations on your doubt you could try it again someday? One thing for sure, the things you do and words you say will been seen by many. I for one will be praying for you and your family from So Oregon.

  80. Congratulations on a courageous effort!

  81. We are so grateful you are safe and sound, and may I say - as a writer - that this was extremely well written and I applaud you for your grasp of the situation. There are always nay-sayers in any endeavor, especially the kind that you took on: Big, Bold, Courageous and Rare! The world has been changed by adventurers, IMHO, and you are so brave to go forth boldly and not get caught up in the "I-told-you-so's". I have finished a novel that is being shopped by my literary agent, about a ship that wrecks in the 800's. I am drawn to the sea and to ships, as you are, but instead of doing the actual piloting myself - I simply ride along and write novels about them!

    I think you are awesome, and you must know that there were thousands upon thousands of us out here trusting God to bring you safely to shore.
    God Bless,
    Stacy Allen
    Atlanta GA

  82. Abby, it wasn't your age or anything within your control that shortened this trip. It is not something that you could have forseen or accounted for. I've just learned of you and your boat-and I'm convinced 16 years of sailing experience is impressive and more than adequate.
    Let those who wish to be negative do so in their own space but don't let it invade yours.
    You are a most amazing young woman and you have inspired me.
    You have been successful on so many fronts. Remember that factor.
    Much warmth


  83. Abby, the presses perception that "something bad happened" is way off. Something good, really good happened: You are safe AND you had the courage to go for your dream! Stay focused on those two things and the press won't know what to do. So happy you are ok!

  84. Abby,
    First, I am praising God during this storm in your life - you are safe!! I am sure leaving behind Wild Eyes was like leaving a loved one - painful. I will be praying for your trip back to your family and healing physically, mentally and emotionally as well as for your family.
    Second, if you look back over history you will see those who have strived to walk a different path have always had nay sayers for a list of reasons. One of my favorite sayings is "What other's think of you is none of your business". You have to look yourself in the mirror each day and when you can do that without guilt knowing you have done the right thing for God, your parents and yourself, then it does not matter about others. No doubt you will be slammed with press and nay sayers when you get back as your parents already have faced. Be still and know God is Lord and stand firm. You are an amazing young woman who already shows more maturity than the older adults who are 'voicing' their 'concern'. Stay strong and keep on walking your path! You rock!! =)

  85. please ignore the have proven yourself to be more than capable in the face of daunting remain level-headed and do what needs to be done...age has nothing to do with readiness...there will always be critics...they can just sit on their couches and criticize...congrats to you and so glad you are safe and unharmed..

  86. I am so proud of your preserverance and bravery. You are a role model for all young adults and old for that matter. Keep your spirits up, you'll get through this. God Bless you and your family.. Have a safe rest of your journey home!

  87. I am glad you are safe. Wild Eyes can be replaced you can't.

  88. Wow, well its good to hear your ok!

  89. The prayers of many us have been answered. Sooo glad u are safely aboard. Enjoy the ride!
    Cheers, Mike and Marlynne

  90. All the best to you, Abby.
    We are proud of your effort and glad that you are safe.

  91. i was prayin for you kiddo

  92. Hi Abby,

    You have so much to be proud about and I couldn't agree with you more about the age factor. Too many people lead such boring and mundane lives so they just don't "get it." You go girl! I know you will have yourself another "Wild Eyes" again sometime.... :)

  93. Glad you're safe.
    Condolences on the loss of Wild Eyes.
    Ignore the press and public opinion. The only ones who can actually understand are those few people have crossed an ocean in a small craft.

  94. God Bless you Abby! Enjoy some much needed rest now.

  95. you are an amazing girl, i'm older than you and i envy your strength

  96. We're glad you're safe Abby! Hopefully they'll be able to bring your boat back to shore. Come home in one piece though :P I'm sure your family wants that, actually, positive they want that.

    The press always wants to know more about a story once something bad happens, it's what entertains American, sad, isn't it?

  97. I think you are an inspiration to so many. You have something so rare, the ability to follow your dreams with the support of your family, friends and so many others. Don't let the negative people bring you down, because there are so many people that admire you. Life is to short and I hope that my children have the save dreams and drive, because this is what life is about. I love reading your blogs and I am certain we will be hearing more about your many adventures to come. "what doesn't kill us can only make us stronger"
    Lizzy ~

  98. I am really glad to hear that you are safe aboard the fishing boat. I have completely read your blog and am very proud of your accomplishments. Keep your head up, you will have your shot to do it again. You have everything to be proud of and don't let anyone make you put your head down.

    Reading your blog makes me want to sell(sail) everything I own, buy a boat and head out. :-)

  99. Glad you're safe Abby!

  100. Can't imagine the loss you must feel for your Wild Eyes. You did a great job, girl, and I am very glad to hear of your safety! I very much look forward to your book and also to the blog of your next attempt to circumnavigate the globe. From following your blog on this trip, I have come to realize that your are one tough chick and I am certain that this isn't the last we hear of Abby Sunderland!

  101. You had a dream and you went for it!
    You had parents and a brother that supported you in the dream.
    Outside the four of you - and some other close family and friends - there is not another opinion in the world that has any relevance.
    And to use that modern expression I loathe . .

    "End of!".

    DD (UK)

  102. Well said Abby, "As for age, since when does age create gigantic waves and storms?" And through all of this you maintain a sense of humor, what is not to love about this girl. You know you have a super proud family standing rock solid behind you. You and your family are such winners, congratulations.

  103. Wild Eyes served you well. Even when she couldn't bring you home, she kept you safe until someone else could. You and she are both awesome and I'm so glad you're ok. ~~Sharon

  104. Abby dear. I'm so happy that you are safe. I won't say I know how you feel losing Wild Eyes. I'll never know but what you will have are the memories, pictures and one heck of a story to tell for a long time. Don't let any negative comments from people get to you. You and your family are admired all around the world by people that know what it's like to live life. Does anyone on board speak English or are you just pointing to the french toast and then pointing to your mouth. LOL. If they transfer you to a ship with a keyboard in English, write back and tell us more. Love ya xoxoxo

  105. :-) Glad you're safe. You go girl.

  106. live to try another time...that's what matters! While i don't condone a "youngest attempt", i have great respect for your courage to attempt this journey alone. Wild Eyes 2 in 2012?

  107. Abby - there are so many people who are inspired by you and your family, who have learned a great deal from your journey and who are incredibly grateful to be reminded that there are people out there willing to follow their dreams and take the risks necessary to achieve them. I am sure you are incredibly sad to leave your boat behind, it's been your harbor, your home, your friend, your foe and the tangible attachment to your dream for the past six months (and probably long before that). As the mother of two very young girls, I am truly glad you have made this journey, I plan to teach them as they get older about how important it is to believe in yourself, in your goals and dreams and not let people who are afraid to do the same get in you way. Much love and continued admiration from The Ferry Family in Camarillo! <3

  108. Stay positive Abby. You still have a right to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments! Use the current negativity being thrown your way as just another challenge you can OVERCOME. You're an "inspiration" Abby. Don't you forget it. Stay close to those who LOVE and SUPPORT you. Glad you're safe. Keep smiling that wonderful smile!! Many more challenges ahead. Full speed ahead!! :D *Robert*

  109. Good to know that you are safe. I know your spirit is far higher than the tides that got you. Bless your soul.

  110. Great job Abby! So glad you're safe.

    Tim in St. Louis

  111. you're safe thats what really matters... Good Luck!!!

  112. Jerry - Central TexasJune 12, 2010 at 7:56 AM

    Thanks to God and to the rescue teams for your safe return. Your maturity through this entire journey has been incredible. Some events, such as a huge wave, can't be controlled -- and as you wrote, that has nothing to do with your age. You have the respect and admiration from countless people worldwide for what you have accomplished. Please continue to keep us updated well into the future with your blog.

  113. Abby, you did good. you succeeded, in a different way that you or anyone can imagine. I know it will take you time to sort things out. This was a journey that will change your whole life and will be one to share with your kids and grand children. God was watching over you, blessed you and brought you through it. That is the big picture!
    Best, Gary Belzman

  114. Good on you Abby! Just so glad to know you're alright, you are one wild and wonderful girl, we are all a bit stronger and easier-breathing knowing youre well and in good hands now.
    Trust yourself and believe in your own strength, you will be out there again and doing well.

  115. Hi Abby, happy to know you're safe. Don't worry about critics and press, it's real easy to talk from the safe land. And don't worry about Wild Eyes... Wild Eyes II sounds perfect!
    Greeting from Sicily Island

  116. I'm glad you're OK! We were rooting for you in Texas. I'm sure there will be new adventures and new boats in your future, but Wild Eyes will always have a special place in your heart.

  117. Abby, I am glad you are safe. I was praying that you would be and I am happy to hear that you are now safe aboard a bouncy fishing vessel :P Don't let the naysayers try to discouarge you. You have done more at 16 than many do in their lifetime. Don't give up. You love to sail, then you should keep doing it. I'm sure you will be successful the next time you attepmt it.

    Dallas, TX

  118. Glad your safe. San Fernando Valley awaits you.

  119. Glad to hear you have been rescued successfully.

    If you are returning via Australia I suggest you get in touch with Jessica and get some advice on dealing with the media. They are a pretty feral bunch at the best of times and you will have to get used to answering some inanely stupid and repetitive questions from them.

    Congratulations to all of the organisations involved both in Australia and Internationally. These organisations will always come to the aid of anyone in need of rescue. These people both professional and volunteers do it because they want to help people.

    They don't ask for anything in return but perhaps a thank you and a debrief at some stage will not hurt. As a rescue service we,they are always learning, developing, sharing the knowledge from real life experiences.

    Have a safe trip home to your loved ones.

    Volunteer, Perth Western Australia

  120. You sound wiser than the average sixteen year old girl who is cosseted by their parents and whines when they don't get the latest fashion fad. You are a credit to your parents and the sailing fraternity - it's sad about Bright Eyes.
    Free to Roam

  121. Githaiga, Nairobi KenyaJune 12, 2010 at 8:00 AM

    Thank God u are safe. All I can say is that you are a very brave girl to have managed all those months on your own. Wish you the best

  122. Hello Abby-
    I'm an easily frightened Mississippi River powerboat "adventurer" from Minnesota. I've been following your progress because I could never contemplate doing as you have done.

    I'm very relieved to read that you are okay. However, I was never really worried! I knew that at the worst you'd be tossed around inside Wild Eyes. I'm sure that it was well designed to plunge under water when hit by large waves. I don't think that the general public understands that your boat was actually quite safe. You were simply stranded due to the broken mast and the subsequent loss of the RADAR reflector and transponder.

    I'm disappointed that Wild Eyes is not being towed behind the fishing boat.

    Please ignore the negative comments. You're an adventurer. Non-adventurer people just don't get it.

    Best regards-
    Minnetonka, MN.

  123. Dear Abby,

    It is SO good to hear from you again. I'm praising the Lord for your safe rescue and will continue to pray for you in the days ahead, especially for grace in dealing with those who seem to feel justified in rushing to judgment.

    Those of us who have followed you (and before that, Zac) know what a veteran and resourceful sailor you are and that your family and team had you and Wild Eyes well-prepared for this voyage. For whatever reason, the Lord cut the trip short but He protected you and has given you the opportunity to touch many more lives than a successful circumnavigation might have accomplished.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to let us hear from you personally. Please know that we love you and continue to support and pray for you.

    Hugs and prayers,
    Lori in MN

  124. Good on ya. Sorry about the boat but glad to hear your safe. Don't worry about the negative press, these folks just don't understand the ocean and the joy of sailing. Best of luck to you. Keep dreaming and achieving.

  125. Oh Abby, I'm SOOOO glad you are well, & ignor all the judges of this world! I'm sure they have plenty themselves that we could judge as well, but we won't!

    What will happen with Wild Eyes? She can't be towed?

    I am so impressed and amazed at your courage. Women your age have been birthing children & working in the fields the same day since the beginning of time. Just because some would advise against it does not mean we are incapable of doing it...and doing it well in your case!

    Congrats on a successful journey! Though it was not the journey you intended at the first, it is still a journey that you have conquered!

  126. Abby, the most precious cargo on that boat is you. While all sailors have a feeling of loss when a tragedy befalls his or her boat, there will be another. It's like losing a limb, but fortunately this one will grow back. Keep your chin up kiddo :)

  127. Nice try Abby. If you ever want to try again... let me know.

    in Canada

  128. I'm glad you are safe, and you continue to be an inspiration ~ Seize the day, live life to its fullest and pursue your dreams!


  129. Hang in there, Abby. You are still an inspiration. I'm sorry you were unable to reach your goal this time and very sorry about Wild Eyes being lost to you.

  130. Hi Abby. First of all I am very glad, that you are back to safety. I am also sorry, that you have lost the boat.

    Dont let the press or anyone get to you. Especially not people, who have no idea what it is like and what is necessary to be out there on your own. You did a great thing making it this far and I am sure this is just a minor setback.

    I dont know much about sailing myself, and even less about the indian ocean or summer or winter weather, but I am pretty sure, it would not have made much of a difference if you had ten or twenty years more of experience or a crew along out there with you, when a huge squall frees you of your mast.

    Let the press and socalled experts rumble all they want, in the end its the price everyone has to pay, when the ocean demands it. Nothing you can do about expect to accept and try again.

    I think you did great.

    My best,


  131. Glad that you are safe. So many questions to ask, there is no way to ask them all here, but I will ask a couple.

    Is there any chance that Wild Eyes will be picked up, and/or an attempt at salvage?

    And of course the big question...

    I realize it may be too soon to ask such a thing, but will you make another attempt at circumnavigation? Would love to see you do it!

  132. Hi Abby;
    We have been praying for your success and safe return, and just heard the great news this morning. As you get a million comments I'll keep this one short. We would love to have you and Zac as our ghuests and guest speakers at a Marina del Rey Anglers meeting when you get home and all caught up. We may combine it with a Del Rey Yacht Club meeting and organize a fund raiser to support your next adventure.

    Please contact me if you are interested.
    Best wishes and welcome home.
    Larry Brown
    Director MDRA

  133. So Glad you are safe,Congrats on all your hard work.Sorry for the loss of your ship as well.Try and decompress,unfortunately you are one of the Stories of the week.give it another week and they will leave you alone and lose interest.Think of all you were able to experience,while completing the journey nonstop would've been ideal,You certainly have a unique story to tell. Godspeed Abby S,We are proud.

  134. Welcome Home (soon) Abby!!!!

    I am so SORRY to hear about your boat, but so grateful to hear about your 10 fingers and 10 toes! Do not cry very long over the loss of your "Wild Eyes" seeing as you still have both of the eyes God gave you; New yachts are cheap, but new little girls are not so much. Like it or not, you made every parent in the world each just hold their breath a little waiting to hear that you were ok. That was a little hard for some of us as parents to watch, and nations would have mourned if something had happened to hurt you...just FYI. You have managed to make yourself into an "artist, painting the world with her adventures"...and you have provided all the elements found in "great art", such as controversy, talent, and beauty. The world is a better place with you in it, and our family could not be happier to hear that you are A-OK and headed back home. Remember to hug your parents double when you see them next-- Your parents are doing such a fine job of raising you that they are beginning to make some of us other parents look bad and that has GOT to be worth an extra hug:) Cannot WAIT to see where your next dream takes you and what art-full expression will become of it! God bless every single hair on your head. :)

    The Clark Family

  135. I am so sorry Abby...I am truly without words for you. Very relieved you are safe...I have followed your blog with Wild Eyes since you began it along side Zac's adventure. I needed to say Thank You for sharing, We genuinly care how you are doing and feeling. I have truly added you and your family to my prayers many times...especially the last 2 days...I continue to do so,... I encourge you to keep up your blog, do whatever feels healing to your heart! With GodSpeed you will be home soon!
    Pam and Colton
    PS... To all the Sunderlands...I wish you peace and all the rest during this time... Thank You for keeping up the information as it comes in...
    God Bless you all as well

  136. Abby, You are a brave and courageous young woman. You are wise beyond your years!
    There is no blame for your situation...only awe and compassion. Your safety is a huge blessing and a much prayed for portion of this leg of your journey. Vessels can be replaced, people cannot. You are a treasure and I am so proud of you for living your dream. May God richly bless you and those you love. ~ Bev | Auburn, WA

  137. Make it home safe and dont worry about the boat it can be replaced with something better.

  138. Abby - I'm so sorry about Wild Eyes, but am very thankful you are alive. Don't let the turkey's get you down - remember - you did everything right - most people are just scared of life - at least you are not!

  139. You did a great job! Be very proud of yourself, what you accomplished is by far the most that any one of us reading your blog can say they have accomplished in a lifetime. What an adventure! Keep the good spirit, and we'll see you back home!

  140. Abby, stay strong and don't listen to the press. They will always find something to criticize when it's out of their comfort zone. Would it be the same if you were a boy? Don't know. Could any 16 yr old girl do this? No, but we all have unique qualities that make us special. Who criticizes the 16 yr old doctors? I am 47 and wish I had the experiences and drive that you do. You will go on to do great things in life with that. I have enjoyed following your blog since I read about you in the newspaper. Thank you for the adventure through your eyes. Stay safe and strong, the press attacks will fade and you can move on to your next adventure. Julie

  141. Don't let any negative comments get to you.

    You had a great adventure. Much admired by many people, young and old. Glad you are safe. You may not have made it, but you tried and you were well prepared - an inspiration!

  142. Still so proud of you Abby!!! You are an amazing, inspirational young woman!!! Just so happy and relieved that you are save! Keep your head held high girl, you followed your dream, and everyone no matter the age is intitled to dream!!! "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn'y do than by the things you did do, So throw off the bow lines, sail away from the safe harbor." author unknown. No REGRETS ABBY!

  143. If it wasn't you getting caught up in the soup, it would have been someone else. Luck of the draw, or misfortune I suppose I should say.

    I'm a new follower, but you seem very capable of taking care of yourself out there, better than a good 80/90% of the globe. If age is somehow an issue, well damn George Bush caused hurricane Katrina.

    I'm envious of you, your family. I can only dream of accomplishing something a fraction of the scale you have. I hope you guys don't get bashed by the media too hard, and that Wild Eyes may be salvaged.

    Safe travels, and good luck with that keyboard. ;)

  144. I love reading your blogs. Becarefull on your way home. Hopefully talk to you soon.

  145. Glad your safe. Tell your parents to ignore the negative stuff. As a newer sailor and having kids your age, I applaud your interest and dedication. After seeing how many teenagers are still killed just in my local area after proms, etc. You are safer and in more control out there.

  146. Hello Abby. You are a celeb now, dear. Please manage this experience the same way you shared with Wild Eyes; it is her legacy to you. These days are 'crazy' as you say; and the Mother Gaia needs human spirit such as yours very very much. I sent to you a special protector spark while you were alone; while you were questioning if anyone knew, if the signals had functioned properly. Here in Victoria BC, we are currently celebrating a great naval might of several nations, including the beneficent Aussie. I went downtown yesterday and found a captain to thank him for his mates' sending of the Quantas flight. I told him, "I didn't fancy her waiting 48 hours to find out if we were coming for her or not". We love you. You represent the best of the best. Godspeed.

  147. We are glad you are safe...sorry about Wild Eyes!

  148. Abby, it was so kind of you to take a moment to post. Sorry the critics have pounced on you - the maturity you've shown in your post clearly takes the higher road. We all wish the press could find that higher road. Please know that you have lots of people cheering for you - and we all celebrate your being safe and are sorry you are enduring the loss of your boat!! Have a safe journey home!

  149. Abby, I didn't think any girls my age had what it takes to actually do this.

  150. the MaGuirks in TNJune 12, 2010 at 8:05 AM

    Abby -

    Ignore the critics! Most of them won't do anything in their whole lives that compares to what you've done in the few months! We are praying for you!

  151. Keep your chin up Abby, you are an impressive young woman! You have not failed in any way and have succeeded in the ways that matter most - you are a survivor, you are an inspiration to people of all ages, you are amazing. You are well on your way to many more adventures & life experiences that most people will never have the courage or support to attempt. Your parents are incredibly brave & faithful; obviously they've taught you well. The world is full of negativity and greed - ignore all of that and keep your dreams alive... :-)

  152. Ms. Abby, I’m proud of your courage, clear thinking, and patients. I'm sorry that your goal was not achieved this year. It has been my pleasure watching you in your adventure. I agree with your thoughts about the press, and continue letting them know of their negative business practice. I wish you a safe travel home. Peace Edmund in Vermont

  153. I am glad you are safe.

    You have proven that age is not a factor. It is all about heart. You have handled yourself magnificiently. I am more than sixty years old and have sailed my 44 foot sailboat for many years, but I have not developed the heart to do what you have done. So you are more qualified, to sail around the world, at your age than I am at mine.

    Keep your dreams alive. Godspeed.

  154. The quest was not a failure nor are excuses necessary. You gave it your best shot and that is all anyone can do in this life. You have proven that you are Abby Sunderland, brave, adventurous, intelligent, remorseful, and more than anything else, one fine example of the human spirit. It is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all. So Abby, through all of the disappointment you are feeling at the moment, you may take solace in the fact that although you did not make it all the way around the globe, you made it more than halfway which is one hell of a lot more than anyone else your age, or my age for that matter, has done. You are a winner in my book and I believe that most of the world will see it that way.

  155. Thoughts and prayers comming from Texas.

  156. Welcome back. The attempts in life are what are important; the drive, the wonder of what is to come. Completing it is special, but the trial is in the journey.

  157. Abby, you are an inspiration; a girl with wisdom beyond her years. You are an incredibly courageous woman of God and I think a lot of people will see that your maturity and knowledge in handling your situation proves that "age" is only a number. You can do anything you set your mind to, and you are a testimony to that. I will be praying for your safe return home and comfort for your loss of a great friend, Wild Eyes.

  158. It's stinks for it to end this way, but it's a blessing that you're still alive. God Bless.

  159. I am quite a fan of yours young lady.

  160. God is good! To Him be all the glory that she has been rescued safely. We too have an Abigail, and I thought I would share the meaning of their name on the off chance you don't already know ;). Abigail means, "my Father's joy". I am sure she does just that...brings joy. My Abigail has a rare incurable disease, and it is my prayer that my she exhibits the strength that your daughter has shown the world. I must admit that I had not heard of her journey until adversity struck; however, since news broke that she was missing I have not been the same. I will continue to pray for your family, and cannot wait to hear of her arrival home. What amazing parents you are fully placing your daughter's life in the hands of the Lord. We as parents should all strive to do this; after all, they are His anyway.

    Abby, Godspeed! What an amazing story you have been blessed with being able to share!! You are in my continued prayers.

    The Green's

  161. Dear Abby,
    I totally agree with you! It was just a wave and nothing that had to do with your skills as a sailor or your age. I am sorry about your 'Wild Eyes' but glad that you are safe onboard a rescue vessel. I am as proud of you today as I was the day you set sail.

  162. There are many people who have been following your story since the beginning, including myself and I was so glad to hear that you were rescued. The incident will probably just make for a great chapter in the book which I still cannot wait to read. You are such an incredible inspiration and I wish that I had the resources and skills to do what you did at your age. It is sad that you lost your boat but, at least you live on to tell your story. I have enjoyed reading all your posts along the way and although the journey ended differently than expected it was still an incredible one and something to be very proud of.

  163. Unfortunately, I just learned of your story in the past couple days. I wish I had known about it sooner, but I did sit down for hours last night and read your whole blog from beginning to end. Wow is all I have to say.

    So many people go through life without living out their dreams. You should be proud of yourself for what you have accomplished at such a young age.

    As far as criticism, hold your head high and be the bigger person. People have opinions and unfortunately feel the need to express those very publicly. You should be proud of having such a loving and supportive family who stood by you to full fill your dream.

  164. I'm so very happy that Abby is safe and sound but I'm so very sorry about the loss of Wild Eyes. Every skipper feels a strong attachment to her vessel and such a loss is deeply felt. God speed.

  165. Your so right about the age thing. Thank goodness your safe.

  166. so sorry you lost your boat, but glad to know you are okay. best wishes from coastal south carolina

  167. Abby, I'm sorry you won't ever see Wild Eye's again..I am sure it was hard to leave her. As for the press..It is sad that they finally take notice of you when something has gone wrong. I can tell you radio talk show Michael Savage has been talking about you all along..He thinks you are amazing & strong. You have a huge fan base.. ignore the ones who criticize. You did great!! .. We are so happy you are safe & can't wait to hear when you decide to do it again.

  168. GLad to hear you are safe Abby. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and those whom have rescued you.

  169. You where in my prayers. So glad you are safe & sound.

    You have much to be proud of. Don't critics spoil it for you.
    You are still young and will sail again.

    Never regret what you have let go.
    Life is, in many ways, a series of choices.
    It is, I suspect, in our nature to not always choose wisely. We are bound to wonder if a particular choice was the right one.
    In some instances we may become convinced in time that a choice we made was the wrong one.

    If only we had chosen the other path, the road ‘more traveled’.
    Or the road ‘less traveled’.
    A different love, a different career. Eschew such doubts. Do not allow the smallest seed of regret to put down roots in your soul.
    Best wishes,
    Granny Miller

    It will bear a bitter fruit.”

  170. well abby with all that has heppend i'm just glad your safe!!!! your not a failure like your dad ssaid your a survivor.. and one of the bravest young girls that i have ever seen.. i'm just sorry i didnt no about your jurney sooner i really enjoyed following your jurney for the few weeks that i have.. i hope the best for you Abby. dont let people bring you down on your dreams, as long as you set your mind to somethiong u can do it.. i like many other people are proud of you for making it this fare.. well enjoy your time resting...
    cory lebherz

  171. Abby,
    I am happy to hear that you are safely on that fishing boat. As for the press-use it to your advantage. They can act like sharks at times. Remember that you are the one with the story-it is yours and yours alone. No one has the right to lead you into saying something that will not be helpful-but they will try. Be positive and proud. Thankful and open. Be yourself. That has always been what made it a great story.

  172. Great to see you are ok.
    Worst things could have happend.
    That mast could have fallen on you or you could have been thrown overboard. Be thankful that you are ok. The NEWs Media is NUTS. They only want to report bad things not good things. But you have a good thing, you are alive. I know a seasoned sailor who got hit in the head with a sail boom and died off Catalina Island!!
    Great to see that you are ok!!!!!! You are only 16 and you will live to see many more adventures.


  173. David Pinter in TexasJune 12, 2010 at 8:10 AM

    Abby, I admire your courage and determination to fulfill your dream and I am certain that this is not the last we will hear from you as you begin your adult life. Many "people" are fair weather fans (pardon the pun) in everything they do. They want to support and commend as long as they have nothing bad to report. The moment the endeavor becomes jeopardized, they question the manner and circumstance and look for only what makes the story "More Interesting". The most interesting part for me is that at 16 you set out to fulfill your dream and even though you have had a set back, you began the journey to live your dream when 99% of us never have the courage to step out and do it. The reporters write about dreams. Dreams Fulfilled, and Dreams Quashed and you live your dreams out loud. We take risks everyday by either walking across the street or passing a car on a two lane road at 70 mph. The risk to fulfill a dream is a much more noble cause and I applaud you for your accomplishment. An accomplishment that you can be proud of, learn from, and use to make the next dream seeking process a reality. God bless you and your family.

  174. Sorry about Wild Eyes Abbu : (. At least your safe now : )

  175. You are safe and that is the most important thing. You will have another Wild Eyes in your future. You are an inspiration to so many and you are destined for great things in your life. I look forward to reading about your future adventures.

    Linda A.

  176. SO glad you're safe - your trip has been amazing! And age is just a number, don't let the naysayers get you down. Without people like you, America would never have been discovered! You are a bold spirit, and I am honored to have been able to follow your voyage. Much luck with your future endeavors.

  177. Abby,

    You have made so many of us back home in the States very proud of you for just trying. I have so much respect for your parents for having faith and trust in your abilities. Never stop chasing your dreams, what you've done is amazing! You hang in there and come back even stronger!

    Dr. Richard Parker
    Greensboro, North Carolina

  178. We are so thankful to God that you are safe, and at the same time saddened for you on the loss of Wild Eyes.
    You still accomplished a remarkable feat, dearest Abby by sailing halfway around the world, especially with the diversity of the weather.
    We hope you will still write your book about your sailing adventures with Wild Eyes. It will be wonderful!
    There are great things ahead of you yet, dearest Abby, and we know that God will keep you lifted up during your journey home and bless you in the years to come.

    You are a winner, and an awesome young lady!

    Love and prayers to you and the family from North Carolina

  179. I'm sorry about Wild Eyes Abby : (

  180. Glad you are safe!

  181. glad your safe ....couldnt they have towed wild eyes behind them?

  182. Abby, u are a great sailor and that believe no one else dare to take up this task like u did.

    There will be no other challenges in future that can beat u down. U have taken one of the biggest, toughest challenge of all challenges. U will have great confidents in whatever u do in ur future life.

  183. Knowing you are all right, is all that is needed for now. Glad to hear it. God was and still is with you, so what else matters Abby. Looking forward to future Blogs. Norm :-> Sacramento, CA U.S.A.

  184. I don't know you, Abby, but being a mom especially, and knowing how I would feel if it had been my boys lost out in the open sea, I can't tell you how happy I am that you're safe and sound! I am thanking God for keeping you safe. I also admire you for going after your dream and will be expectantly waiting and watching the next time you set sail before the world. God bless!

  185. Abby,

    You are a special human being, courageous and confident. Risk is part of our human need to explore. There are 66 year old's that do not posses the maturity to set and attempt to master a goal of this size. We need people like you to take us to our next level of learning. The age nay-sayers, I think they are much, much younger than you!

    So very glad you are safe! Sorry about Wild Eyes.

  186. Abby your amazing. great quote about your age and the waves.

  187. Hi Abby! I feel sorry for You and Wild Eyes, but in the same time so very happy that You are safe and sound, as you said on your blog today. I can´t even imagine, what is going on in Your head right now, but I want to say to You that your spirit and soul are greater than anybody else! Keep up the good life ahead of You, and please try to stay dry, at least for awhile. All the best from Jaska Helsinki, Finland.

  188. The critics always come out when there's nothing good to be said...if you had made it, Abby, they would have never said a word. Anyway, glad you're safe. I feel badly about your boat! Keep your head held high and tell your folks there are plenty of people who don't go along with or support the naysayers...


  189. Abby, You should be proud of what you accomplished. Yes, the press will blame your parents (because of your age), the wrong time of year (because of storms), but don't let that distract you. My wife was against it because of your age, but (as I explained to her), I wouldn't go out on a sail boat and do what she did because I don't have the experience. But, if I had the experience like you, I wouldn't hesitate doing the journey you did. What is the difference? Age shouldn't make a difference. I'm sure if your parents didn't have any confidence in you, they wouldn't haver let you go. If someone from the press questions your age, look at them straight in the eye and say "what is the difference between me going out and you going out with the same amount of experience? It'll be interesting to hear their answer. Plus, if they really feel they wouldn't run into any storms (ie: the ocean would be nice and smooth for 24,000 miles, there is something wrong). Just keep your head up, and tell everyone you would've made it if the mast didn't break. Remember, always be proud of what you accomplished! Mike C.

  190. Abby,

    We're all so glad to here your safe. Honestly, we were all terrified when headlines started appearing that you were lost at sea.

    This is just a setback that has gained you even more experience that you'd ever imagine. Just think of all the stories you have to tell. Don't give them all away for free, I'd like to read them in a book!

    Good luck, take care and can't wait to hear about your next adventure. You are an inspiration to us all!

  191. You rock Abby! I think you're one talented and brave girl to get as far as you did. I don't care what the critics say, I'm glad you made the trip. The world needs more youth like you. My 9 month old daughter's name is Abigail and I'm proud that she shares her name with you. Hopefully she'll grow up to be equally ambitious!

  192. You didn't fail-some equipment did and in very harsh conditions. We're all just glad you're safe. Don't worry-the world will still be there to sail around :)

    The only journeys that matter are the ones we make for ourselves.
    Please keep posting!

  193. Congratulations to you and all are glad you are safe. You are so courageous.
